17 Apr The Leading Cause Of Food Poisoning
Salmonella: The Leading Cause Of Food Poisoning
What is the leading cause of food poisoning?
The short answer is Salmonella. If you are wondering how serious Salmonella is, you should realize that it in regards to food poisoning, is the single greatest public health issue in the US. According to the CDC website salmonella causes about 1.2 million illnesses, 23,000 hospitalizations, and 450 deaths in the United States every year. It is the number one leading cause of food poisoning resulting in hospital visits and even death.
The unfortunate piece of this news is that it is rising, however the fortunate news is that by reading this, you can take better care to prevent it from happening in the future. Share this with someone you know so they can take the necessary steps in prevention. It should be noted that healthy adults aren’t typically the ones bearing the brunt of Salmonella, as it is much more dangerous for children and elderly adults.
What are the symptoms?
Generally, around 12 to 72 hours after infection the common symptoms are
– Fever
– Diarrhea
– Abdominal Cramps
– Chills
– Nausea or Vomiting
The illness typically lasts from four to seven days.
How does one get Salmonella?
When one thinks of Salmonella they think of eggs. You would be correct in thinking that because the FDA estimates about 142,000 cases of Salmonella due to eggs in the US. However, it is not just eggs that are responsible for Salmonella outbreaks. Other contaminated foods are often animal in origin. They include things such as beef, poultry, seafood, and milk as well. But all foods, including some unwashed fruits and vegetables, can become contaminated.
Can Salmonella Be Prevented?
It is a very preventable infection if you are cautious. Some of the ways you can prevent Salmonella are the following;
– Make sure all meats, seafood, and eggs, are well-cooked. Cook food containing any of these ingredients to an internal temperature of 165° F
– Don’t drink raw or unpasteurized milk or other dairy products.
– Don’t eat raw or undercooked eggs. Throw away cracked eggs. Keep eggs refrigerated.
– Thoroughly wash produce before cooking it
– Don’t cross-contaminate foods. Keep uncooked meats separate from produce, cooked foods, and ready-to-eat foods.
– Thoroughly wash all utensils, including cutting boards, knives, and counters, after handling uncooked foods.
– Thoroughly wash hands before handling foods and between handling different food items.
– Thoroughly wash hands after handling any reptiles or birds. These animals are more likely to carry salmonella.
Talk to your medical professional if you are concerned that you may have Salmonella.
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