whats a macronutrient diet

What is a Macronutrient Diet?

 What Is A Macronutrient Diet?

What is a macronutrient diet? Reading this will give you a better understanding of why you should use this diet and how it can be helpful for your health and wellness goals. Before we jump in, let us get some complex words we too often hear and break them down into easy to understand definitions.

Calorie – A calorie is a measurement of the amount of energy that can be produced by food.  Calories in food provide energy in the form of heat so that our bodies can function. Our bodies store and “burn” calories as fuel. Many dieters count calories and try to decrease caloric intake to lose weight.

Nutrient – A nutrient is a substance that gives humans something needed to live and grow.

Macronutrient – Macronutrients are nutrients that the body uses in large amounts. We need them daily. There are three macronutrients: proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

Micronutrient – Micronutrients are the vitamins and minerals required by your body. We only need micronutrients in tiny amounts, but they are essential to help our bodies function properly, prevent disease, and for overall well-being.

what is a macronutrient diet

Now that you have a better understanding of what these key terms are, we can discuss why macronutrient diets are so significant and work so well. Counting calories is important as I am sure you know, you need to burn more calories than you consume in order to lose weight. However, where you get your calories from are even more important.  This is where the macronutrient diet comes in.

Each of the three primary macronutrients (proteins, fats, and carbohydrates) affects the body in a different way. If you supply your body with the correct amounts of macronutrients that it needs,  you can change your body composition. Ultimately, many people want to lose body fat, get in shape, and get toned but they don’t know how much, what, and when to eat. A macronutrient diet can help you in each of these areas. This structured nutrition program helps you to reach your fitness goals and helps you to lose weight.

A macronutrient diet still allows you to eat the food you’re used to – just in moderation. It allows your body to burn fat without the fear of starvation. At homemealplans.com we provide you with a grocery list, comprehensive recipes, and a meal plan that shows you the exact amount of macronutrients in each meal. Below is just a sample.


macro sample

Remember, this home meal plan was made for my client based on their preferences, goals, weight, and body fat percentage. Every one of my clients is different, therefore I make a customized meal plan based on their needs. order your home meal plan here and reap the incredible benefits.

What is a Macronutrient Diet?
Article Name
What is a Macronutrient Diet?
Each of the three primary macronutrients (proteins, fats, and carbohydrates) affects the body in a different way. If you supply your body with the correct amounts of macronutrients that it needs,  you can change your body composition.
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Home Meal Plans
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