FAQ Home Meal Plans

These are the frequently asked questions from our customers. This page was designed in order to answer those questions.

What is a macronutrient diet?

This question requires it’s own blog, and you can find it here. But here is the short answer. Macronutrients are molecules that our bodies use to create energy for themselves – primarily fat, protein and carbs. If you burn more calories than you consume, you will typicaly lose weight. However, you want to consume the right calories – that is where a macronutrient diet comes in. Our meal plans give you the exact amount of macronutrients that your body needs in order to build lean muscle and shred fat.

How do I get my meal plan?

After selecting a plan and ordering you will answer a series of questions. These questions are posed so we can create a fully customized meal plan based off your goals. We then send the meal plan to your email.

Why should I choose home meal plans?

We know that there are meal delivery services out there. Yet, how many of them are able to create a fully personalized meal plan catered to you? There is something called biochemical individuality which essentially means what works for you does not work for someone else. Also, our competitors are mostly cookie cutter program “one size fits all” diet plans that charge far too much for lousy results. Our meal plans are backed by subject matter experts, nutritionists, and science. Nearly a century of metabolic research has proven that the most effective method of burning fat and enhancing body composition is a macronutrient diet where you burn more calories than you take in. Our meal plans do just that.

Can I have a cheat day?

We know how difficult it can be for some people to stick to the meal plan seven days per week. That is why we allow one cheat day* so you can maintain a normal social life and satisfy cravings, just dont go too overboard.
*This does not apply for ketogenic plans as you must be in a state of ketosis for it to work properly

Can I get a refund?

We believe the value we offer to our customers is tremendous – and our results demonstrate that. With that being said, if you don’t get results within 28 days we will refund you. Refunds must be made in writing within 28 days of ordering!

Can I talk with someone before I buy?

Absolutely! Simply go to the “Contact” page above and there is an option to leave your phone number for a consultation. After that, someone will reach out to you and answer all of your questions.

What is a meal plan?

A meal plan is the same as a diet plan or a nutrition plan. They simply have different names but mean the same thing. The meal plans that we offer are sent to customers via email. Each one is personalized and unique to the individual with respect to their food preferences, body fat percentage, and goals. Along with the meal plans we send our customers recipes for health shakes, meal recipes with instructions, along with a document outlining why these foods were chosen for you personally.

How much does it cost and how often do I pay?

We have three options for meal plans and they are all monthly payments. I would work with you each month to ensure that you are successful.

What else do I need to get started?

In order to get started you will need tupperware containers and a food scale. We have those items and more available by clicking the “Shop” button above.

Do you have a guarantee of results?

Your results are contingent upon your commitment to the plan. If you continue to stay consistent and exercise, you will see results. We can provide you with all of the tools and information that is scientifically proven to achieve fat loss, but you must follow the plan.

Can I take supplements while on the meal plan?

The short answer is yes. Although we believe a healthy diet should provide you with all the nutrients your body needs, sometimes supplements can be beneficial.

Are these meal plans the same for everyone?

The meal plans that we give to you are unique and customized to you. That is why when you order we gather all the necessary information about you so we can make you a meal plan that is results driven. These meal plans will require you to cook and prep food, but they will be filling and leave you with more energy and more confidence.

When should I eat my meals?

With the exception of the pre- and post-workout meals (which you should have about 1 to
2 hours before and after training, respectively), when exactly you eat won’t help or hinder
your results. It’s essentially up to you and your schedule.