how to set up an online blog for money

How To Set Up An Online Blog For Money

Setting up your own blog online has become a creative and enticing way of earning income in the last several years. It has allowed me to work remote in places like Hawaii, Southern California, Bali, and Thailand while earning money.

I set my own hours, work for myself, and have the freedom I have always wanted. You too will soon learn the countless ways you can make money from blogging. Today I will teach you step by step how easy it is to create your very own blog on WordPress. Below, I have included discounted pricing that I have set up with Bluehost so you can start a blog affordably.

Click here to start a blog on WordPress, then use the tutorial below for easy directions. Act fast because this offer expires.

How To Set Up An Online Blog For Money

how to start a blog for money

Disclosure: I am an affiliate for Bluehost, and will receive a commission if you sign up through my referral link. This is at no additional cost to you, and you will get great pricing and a free domain name through my link.

Where To Begin?

If you’re looking to start a WordPress blog for cheap, then choosing Bluehost for your hosting needs may be your answer. Bluehost has ranked at or near the top for both uptime and loading times for more than a year.

Additionally, they can offer you enhanced security support, a wide array of user-friendly apps, a money-back guarantee, and they offer the lowest rates in the industry.

Deciding to start a blog has been an incredible adventure for me, which is why I tell people to get involved. I have been able to travel and have life-altering experiences, simply by starting a blogging got me to travel to thailandYou too could set your own hours and work on a schedule that suits you. Having your own blog gives you an incredibly sought after freedom. It allows you the ability to operate from virtually anywhere in the world.

Not to mention, we are now in a post COVID world where people are perusing online more than ever before. Now is a great time to get involved in blogging.

Why Choose Bluehost

There are many reasons for why you may want to choose Bluehost for your WordPress blog and I honestly believe they are one of the best web hosting providers. These reasons include:

  • It’s easy to use and does not require any experience. Anyone can create a WordPress blog easily with my tutorial below.
  • Bluehost makes it super easy to create a WordPress blog.
  • Bluehost web hosting offers technical support.
  • Bluehost is extremely affordable and they offer cheap web hosting. You can have a blog of your own and your only real expense starts at just $2.75 per month.
  • You get a FREE blog domain.
  • WordPress through Bluehost is also free.
  • Bluehost offers a guarantee in case you determine that it is not for you. If you sign up for Bluehost, but you are confused for any reason (such as how to set it up, picking a plan, pricing, etc.), you can always send me an email and I can help you out.
  • You will be self-hosted. If you want to monetize your blog, then you will want to be self-hosted.

So now that I have given you a long list of undeniable reasons to start a blog let’s get started. I am going to give you three easy steps for you to be on your way to blogging online.

Step 1: Register Your Domain Name

The first thing that you will need is a website URL also known as a domain. This requires you to think of a good name and be sure to pick something simple and relevant to what you will be doing.

A lot of the .com’s have been taken already, but luckily there are a lot of options that end in .net .org .co .io and many others. Something you might not know is that you can buy domains and then sell them at a premium later on. At the very least you can flip a basic site later on in time for a profit. At any rate, you can get your domain directly through Bluehost.

Step Two: Buy Hosting For Your Blog

Hosting simply allows the files that comprise a website (code, images, etc.) available for viewing online. It is sort of like the on button that allows a website to actually be connected to the internet.

When it comes to buying hosting I recommend signing up for a minimum of 12 months. By signing up for a minimum of 12 months, you will receive a free domain name, lower pricing, and you won’t have to deal with an expired website after each month.

If you purchase a 12-month plan, your total price is only $59 a year, which is a great price. Plus, you still receive the free domain name when you sign up for 12 months or more which saves you money.

The best value would be purchasing a 36-month plan, as your monthly rate is much lower over the long run

The other item you may want to pay for when it comes to blogging is Domain Privacy Protection, which is only $0.99 per month. This is so that your contact information stays safe.

Other than the above, you do not need the other items that Bluehost sells, so I would uncheck any of the extras that are listed.

Remember, if you sign up using my link, then you will get your domain for free if you purchase a 12 month or longer blog hosting plan.

Step Three: Install WordPress On Bluehost

This part is easier than making a PB&J sandwich. Bluehost makes it incredibly easy to create a WordPress blog and it is free.

  • After you create your password, Bluehost will actually guide you through exactly what you need to do in order to start a blog.
  • Bluehost will ask you to pick a theme. You can just pick a random one here or find one that you actually like. You can change it later so it’s not a big deal or just scroll to the bottom and skip this step. There are many free themes.
  • Click on “Start Building”
  • On the next screen, you can choose “Business” or “Personal” – it’s up to you. Or, you can click the “I don’t need help.”

You now have a WordPress blog. You will have to work on the design and produce high-quality content, of course. Begin writing content about your chosen topics. Send me an email to contact@homemealplans with the subject line, “Blogging for money” and then I will send you my two favorite e-books about writing and blogging completely free.

How Do I Make Money From Blogging?

There are a lot of different ways to make money by creating a blog online. The first way to efficiently make money is to sell an online product or a service. You can generate traffic to a website by creating a lot of keyword heavy content on a niche subject such as baseball cards, garden tools, muay Thai for beginners, keto recipes, children’s toys, you get the point. You could sell a physical product or a digital download or service you provide.

If you have don’t have a product and want to make money, then you can promote another organizations product that you feel has value and earn an income from it as an affiliate marketer. This is a common way to generate money from blogging. It entails promoting other businesses online and getting a commission every time someone makes a sale that originated from your website.

Any website with traffic can be monetized. Traffic can be organically generated simply by consistently writing great content about a particular subject. Over time, more web visitors will find you, and traffic is like gold in the online world.

Ultimately, the future success of your online business is in your hands. You can take proactive steps to get noticed online and elevate your blog. There are so many reasons to start, and if done properly it can offer you an ability to travel anywhere you want and unlock a freedom very few will taste. This is not science fiction, and it’s something you can start today

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